Featured Stories: 44
The Age of Sail Museum and Archives
The Age of Sail Museum and Archives has come a long way since it first opened in 1994. Located on a tidal river on the site of a post-colonial shipyard, it harkens to the early years of the region. The museum is governed by the Greville Bay…
The South Shore Genealogical Society
The South Shore Genealogical Society (SSGS) was created in 1979 to identify, search out, collect, preserve, copy, and organize, any and all information regarding to genealogical research on the South Shore of Nova Scotia.
The SSGS's…
The Birth of the Mi-Carême Centre
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In 1994, the Acadian communities in the Chéticamp region of Cape Breton were in the midst of a crisis: the cod fishery had closed. For centuries, cod had been central to the region's economy, providing jobs for…
LaHave, Capital of New France
In early September 1632, the Mi’kmaq who lived along the Pijinuiskaq (the LaHave River) must have been astonished to see two big wooden ships sailing through the narrows between what is now known as Kraut Point and LaHave. They anchored, and 200 men…
Judge Mather Byles DesBrisay (1828-1900)
Mather Byles DesBrisay was born in Chester, Lunenburg County, on March 19, 1828 to Lucretia Woodward and Thomas Belcher DesBrisay, M.D. He studied law at Dalhousie University and was admitted to the bar in 1851, practicing his profession in Halifax…
Father Charles Aucoin (1911-1999)
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Born in Chéticamp in 1911, the late Father Charles Aucoin completed his grade 11 at Our Lady of Annunciation (now NDA) school in Chéticamp before pursuing his post-secondary education at Collège Sainte-Anne…
Pelton-Fuller House
Alfred Carl Fuller was born in 1885 to Leander and Phoebe Fuller in Welsford, Nova Scotia. He was ambitious even at a young age, and in 1903, moved to New England and started the Fuller Brush Company. Shortly after the business opened, Alfred gained…
Thomas Isaac Spidell II (1873-1963)
Thomas Isaac Spidell II was born September 4th, 1873 in Maplewood, Lunenburg County, to Thomas Isaac Spidell I and Sarah Abigail Berghaus. He loved to read and often wrote for the Bridgewater Bulletin. Thomas left home when he was sixteen and…
The Science Building
In 1888, the province purchased a farm in Bible Hill (present-day Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus) for the practical education of farming students. In 1892, the new School of Agriculture established its campus on the Provincial Farm. Six…
Yarmouth County Museum and Archives
The Yarmouth County Museum officially opened its doors on June 9th, 1969, at 22 Collins Street, right in the heart of the Collins Heritage Conservation District. It is dedicated to the memory of Major Daniel and Alvina Murphy, who, two years…