All Stories: 220
The Guysborough Railway
The last half of the 19th century was Canada’s “railway age,” as rail lines crossed the continent and extended into virtually all regions of the country. By 1897, only two Nova Scotian counties—Guysborough and Victoria—lacked rail access.
Le « nisagan » ou « nijagan »
Le nisagan (ou nijagan/nigagan chez les Acadiens) est un outil de pêche mi’kmaq longtemps utilisé par les Acadiens. Cet attrape-poisson rend la pêche semi-automatique en capturant les poissons à partir de trous créés par des ficelles. Construit avec…
Le village de Margo
Margo, un ancien village de bûcherons, se situe à six kilomètres du village côtier de l’Anse-des-Belliveau dans la municipalité de Clare. Ce lieu, connu pour ses « p’tites cabanes », joue un rôle déterminant dans l’industrie forestière de la région…
The Legend of Jean-Baptiste Gaudet
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Clare’s oral history is rich with stories and legends such as that of Jean-Baptiste Gaudet, known as John or Johnny "Petoque." The story of Petoque takes place in nineteenth-century Clare, a rural region of…
La légende de Jean-Baptiste Gaudet
Click here for the English versionLa région de Clare est riche en légendes, dont celle de Jean-Baptiste Gaudet, connu sous le nom de John ou Johnny « Petoque. » Pourquoi John Petoque est-il légendaire? Pour répondre à cette question, il faut se…
Bâtir au bord d’la Baie
La construction navale a joué un rôle économique important en Nouvelle-Écosse, notamment dans la vaste région du sud-ouest. Les chantiers de construction de navires dépendaient de l’industrie forestière tout en appuyant le commerce de l’exportation…
The Three Bells of Ireland
Beginning in 1672, Acadians from Port Royal established farms in the area that came to be known as Minudie. In 1823, Amos Peck Seaman became a tenant on the Minudie estate, which was granted to Joseph Frederic Wallet DesBarres years earlier. From…
Windsor’s Old Opera House
After the Great Fire of 1897, which devastated the town of Windsor, efforts began to rebuild the town and its infrastructure. Many saw the fire as an opportunity to significantly improve the buildings of the town. This is how Windsor’s Opera House…
The Cycling Craze in West Hants
Though the bicycle got its start in Europe, it quickly arrived in Nova Scotia in the hands of the son of Mr. Poole, the owner of the Caledonia Mine. By 1868, cycling had made its mark on the province, largely thanks to the Hanlon Brothers of New…
The Face of Acadie
Many are familiar with the tragic history of the Acadians and their expulsion in 1755, but some may not know the amazing history before that. The French Acadian settlement of Piziquid was large, including the areas known today as Windsor, Ste.…