Stories tagged "education": 12
Sherbrooke Village Schoolhouse
The Schoolhouse in Sherbrooke Village was built in 1867 according to plans issued by a report by the Provincial Superintendent of Education. Before the schoolhouse opened, students were taught from people’s homes. The first teacher in Sherbrooke was…
Rachel Barrett’s Sampler of 1845
While no other details or records about Rachel Barrett’s life are currently known, her carefully wrought stitches in her 1845 sampler serve as a testament to her existence and shed further light on the education of young Black Nova Scotians during…
The Dawson Desk
In the spring of 1850, John W. Dawson, Superintendent of Education for Nova Scotia, made a tour of schools in the eastern United States. He met with local school officials and toured several schools, observing the architecture and furnishings of the…
Dorothy and Izaak Killam
Take a walk down University Avenue sometime. There’s one name you’ll notice that shows up on several buildings on the street: Killam.
Starting at Dalhousie University, you’ll see the Killam Memorial Library looming on campus. Walk further down the…
La tradition théâtrale
Le théâtre occupe une place importante au sein du CollègeSainte-Annedepuis sa fondation. À l'époque du programme classique, les répétitions se déroulent lors des heures d'études de sorte que les collégiens ont un incitatif supplémentaire pour y…
La fanfare
La musique est un art d'agrément que l'on favorise au Collège, en dépit des difficultés financières des premières années. Avant la fondation de la Fanfare, on fait notamment venir des musiciens des paroisses pour souligner des événements importants.…
Les Eudistes
La congrégation de Jésus et Marie, aussi connue sous le nom de la congrégation des Eudistes, est fondée le 25 mars 1643, par le prêtre normand Jean Eudes. La fondation du Collège Sainte‑Anne en 1890 correspond aussi à l'arrivée des Eudistes en…
La fondation du Collège Sainte-Anne
Le Collège Sainte-Anne est fondé à l'été 1890. À cette époque, que l'on qualifie de « Réveil acadien », les Acadiens de la Baie Sainte-Marie, comme ceux d'ailleurs, commencent à s'identifier comme peuple. Les premières conventions…
Whitman (Tully) House Residence
On March 24, 1914, the Board of Governors of Acadia University in Wolfville announced plans for a Women’s College Residence. The new residence would be home to 50 women plus house several staff members and a matron who would oversee their wellbeing.…
The Science Building
In 1888, the province purchased a farm in Bible Hill (present-day Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus) for the practical education of farming students. In 1892, the new School of Agriculture established its campus on the Provincial Farm. Six…