Stories tagged "theatre": 4
Windsor’s Old Opera House
After the Great Fire of 1897, which devastated the town of Windsor, efforts began to rebuild the town and its infrastructure. Many saw the fire as an opportunity to significantly improve the buildings of the town. This is how Windsor’s Opera House…
La tradition théâtrale
Le théâtre occupe une place importante au sein du CollègeSainte-Annedepuis sa fondation. À l'époque du programme classique, les répétitions se déroulent lors des heures d'études de sorte que les collégiens ont un incitatif supplémentaire pour y…
The Capitol Theatre
The Capitol Theatre was located on Barrington Street at the foot of Spring Garden Road in downtown Halifax. The Capitol wasn’t the first entertainment venue to occupy that spot. Its predecessor was a music hall, which opened in 1877, originally…
Viola Desmond (1914-1965) & Dr. Carrie Best (1903-2001)
The Nova Scotia into which Carrie Best (née Prevoe) and Viola Desmond (née Davis) were born was a society with engrained prejudices about people of colour. There were restrictions on where Blacks could live or work and where they could get their…