Stories tagged "museums": 42
The Cumberland County Museum and Archives
The Cumberland County Museum and Archives first opened its doors in 1981 at Grove Cottage in the heart of Amherst. Grove Cottage was likely built in 1838, shortly after renowned Amherst resident, Robert Barry Dickey (1811-1903), purchased the…
Balmoral Grist Mill’s Fake Wheel
From the very first day it opened in 1874, to the day it closed 80 years later, the Balmoral Grist Mill was powered by a pair of hydraulic turbines. That is irrefutable. When the mill was renovated and converted to a museum, someone, for reasons…
The Annapolis Heritage Society
The Annapolis Heritage Society dates back to 1967 when a number of local residents organized under the name Historic Restoration Enterprises for the purpose of “acquiring for preservation and display to the general public fine examples of the…
The Age of Sail Museum and Archives
The Age of Sail Museum and Archives has come a long way since it first opened in 1994. Located on a tidal river on the site of a post-colonial shipyard, it harkens to the early years of the region. The museum is governed by the Greville Bay…
La création et le développement du Centre de la Mi-Carême
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En 1994, la région acadienne de Chéticamp se trouvait en crise par la fermeture de la pêche à la morue.Pendant des siècles, la morue avait été au centre de l’économie de la région et donnait du travail aux…
La fête de la Mi-Carême
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Le Centre de la Mi-Carême, situé au bord du pittoresque havre de Grand-Étang sur le sentier Cabot au Cap-Breton, présente un aperçu historique et contemporain de la fête de la Mi-Carême et offre une variété…
The Birth of the Mi-Carême Centre
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In 1994, the Acadian communities in the Chéticamp region of Cape Breton were in the midst of a crisis: the cod fishery had closed. For centuries, cod had been central to the region's economy, providing jobs for…
Ahern Avenue
Born in 1897, John "Gee" Edward Ahern was educated at Saint Mary’s University before attending Law School at Dalhousie University. From there, he entered into the world of publishing and editing before launching his political career. He served as…
Père Charles Aucoin (1911-1999)
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Né à Chéticamp en 1911, feu Père Charles Aucoin avait complété sa onzième année à l’école Notre Dame de l’Annonciation (maintenant NDA) de Chéticamp avant de poursuivre ses études au Collège Sainte-Anne…
Judge Mather Byles DesBrisay (1828-1900)
Mather Byles DesBrisay was born in Chester, Lunenburg County, on March 19, 1828 to Lucretia Woodward and Thomas Belcher DesBrisay, M.D. He studied law at Dalhousie University and was admitted to the bar in 1851, practicing his profession in Halifax…